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High resolution Worldmaps in Kubuntu

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 20:08
by Joinzar
In my experience, the script for installing "High resolution Worldmaps" doesn't work in Kubuntu (in 12.04, at least).
High resolution Worldmaps :
gshhs_maps2_cities_deb_install (1.5 ko)
The script gshhs_maps2_cities_deb_install allow to download and install high resolution Worldmaps which are not in the main package in /opt/zyGrib/maps/gshhs and more cities in /opt/zyGrib/data/gis

Script and packages by Dominique Hausser.
However, it isn't a bug.
That is because the script tries to install in /opt/zyGrib/ directory...
In Kubuntu must be in the directory: /usr/share/zygrib/

For Kubuntu, edit the script and replace:

Code: Select all

cd /opt/zyGrib/data/

Code: Select all

cd /usr/share/zygrib/data/
save and execute.

------------------------------------- For beginners in Linux :-) -------------------------------

For the explain, I suppose that you have download the script in your home, in your 'Downloads' directory:
(And user must be replaced with your user's name, of course, below)

Open Konsole and type:

Code: Select all

kdesudo kate /home/user/Downloads/gshhs_maps2_cities_deb_install
(If you have tried running the script, perhaps you must edit it as sudo)
(another once again: 'user' must be replaced with your user name; and it's posible your directory for downloads to be another one)

In kate, search the line

Code: Select all

cd /opt/zyGrib/data/
comment this with #. In this way:

Code: Select all

# cd /opt/zyGrib/data/
(comments not run in a script, but if you comment instead of deleting, you can see what you have change...)

and write below a new line like this:

Code: Select all

cd /usr/share/zygrib/data/
Save and close kate.

In Konsole again, type:

Code: Select all

sudo sh /home/user/Downloads/gshhs_maps2_cities_deb_install
And... voilĂ  :-)

Re: High resolution Worldmaps in Kubuntu

Posted: 31 Oct 2012 02:39
by Joinzar
Another problem with this script running in Kubuntu.

If you running before changing I told above, it's posible that your home's directorys and files user and group have been changed, to be 'root' user and group.

In fact, user and group will change in the directory's content (directories and files) the script is.
But I suppose that the script will be in a user-home's directory or in user's home.

For linux beginners:

It's very easy to change again user and group.
Fastest way in console.

Open Konsole and type:

Code: Select all

sudo chown -R user /home/user/ 
(user must be your user's name in your computer)
Chown changes user for a file or directory, or a lot of them.
When finnised type:

Code: Select all

sudo chgrp -R user /home/user/ 
(user must be your user's name in your computer)
Chgrp changes group for a file or directory, or a lot of them.

It's all
